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Best Authentic African Food!

Order from Monday through thursday and pick it up or get it delivered to you on Saturday and Sunday.

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Above $50 in Mankato

Certified Organic

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Popular Dishes on the Menu

Farm Fresh Fruits

Ut sollicitudin quam vel purus tempus, vel eleifend felis varius.

Fresh Vegetables

Aliquam porta justo nibh, id laoreet sapien sodales vitae justo.

Organic Legume

Phasellus sed urna mattis, viverra libero sed, aliquam est.

Customers Reviews

I ordered Jollof from Joma Foods once and have continued to do so ever since. They are the best, and their food is delicious.

Get the experience order today!

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I hadn't had any African food in years. It was fantastic... I was initially skeptical, but I'm now convinced.
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